Monday, 29 June 2015

Make Your Masterpiece Challenge

Here's to week 3.  I've been working on this piece for a very long time.  Today, I finished it.

Reading Conference Binder Question Prompts 

I've worked hard at coming up with a reading conference binder that provides question prompts for reading strategies. Conference sheets include:  Retelling, Relating & Reflecting for Fiction and Non Fiction texts, Activating Prior Knowledge Prompts, Monitoring Comprehension Prompts, Sensory Images Prompts, Questioning Prompts, Determining Importance Prompts, Inferring Prompts and Synthesizing Prompts.  A binder cover sheet, an Independent Reading Observation as well as a Summary of Reading Observations Form is included.     

I use a binder and dividers (one divider per student).  Prompt sheets are placed in each student's slot.  I also provide a running record using the PM Benchmark running records toolkit.  I start the school year with this reading interest inventory.  It's a snapshot of my students' reading interests.  It also helps me choose materials students are interested in reading for my classroom library and future literature circles.

A photo of a reading interest inventory questionnaire.

I'm looking forward to using this conferencing toolkit in the fall.  


  1. Looks like a great binder! Conferencing binders are great to stay organized and have each student at your fingertips.

  2. Thank you Katie. Your feedback is appreciated!

  3. Sandra I really like the reading interest inventory being in this binder - brilliant!

  4. Thanks Paula. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
